Being exhausted as a new mother is commonplace, but postpartum fatigue is a more severe kind of exhaustion that frequently comes with low energy and attention deficit disorder. Postpartum fatigue is a typical side effect of pregnancy that affects about 40% of new moms in the first week or two.
The weeks right after your baby is born are an emotional rollercoaster unlike any other. After probably a long period of labor, your lovely bundle of joy is brought to you, and all of a sudden, you are a mom in every sense of the word—busy nursing, changing nappies, burping, and, let's not miss, cuddling and falling in love. All of this adds up to fatigue for new mothers. So what can you do to stop new mom tiredness?
It's a wonderful moment, but it keeps you up at night. The adrenaline rush of being a new mom may help you get through the first few weeks, but the lack of sleep will ultimately hit you. Even while everyone you know may advise you to "rest when the baby rests," it's not always easy.
In addition to eight unbroken hours of horizontal rest, you also need short hacks and adjustments that boost your energy levels even when getting sleep isn't possible. Continue reading to discover some tips for regaining your energy after giving birth!
Tips to Overcome Postpartum Exhaustion
Never Decline Help
To help with cleaning, laundry, cooking, and taking care of older kids, enlist the help of your partner, friends, and relatives. Take someone up on their offer when they say, "if you need anything, let us know." Are you in need of home-cooked food? Do you need more diapers? Can your partner just watch the baby while you take a shower or start a bit of cleaning?
Consider employing someone to assist with the chores if you have the finance to do so. Make it known that you have a newborn at home and want thorough assistance with the housework! You don't have to clean the house before the house cleaning comes. Keep in mind that you are hiring them to accomplish that.
Restrict Visitors
Everyone wants to visit the infant, but if you are fatigued from caring for a newborn, the last thing you want to do is entertain people. It's great when friends and relatives can watch the baby while you're running errands, at the doctors or just getting some rest.
But decline invitations from guests if they will require additional cooking and care. Informing out-of-town relatives that you need more time to be ready for guests is completely fine! Let them know you’re feeling worn-out and suggest that they come to visit you in about a month after you have rested and the baby has stopped napping all the time.
Focus on Nutrition and Supplements
When you're recuperating from childbirth, consuming the right foods and beverages is crucial. If you're breastfeeding, you'll need more calories, so spread out your high-protein meals during the day.
Additionally, it's crucial to drink enough water and stay hydrated, particularly if you're breastfeeding. Try to restrict your caffeine intake because it might dehydrate you, even if it would be enticing to indulge in some to get you through the day.
Plus, you should continue taking prenatal vitamins until you feel like yourself again or till your doctor tells you to discontinue. Keep this up even when you’re nursing.
Supplements are a really great way to make sure that your body is receiving all the help it can get. Vitamin D is a great supplement to take alongside a healthy diet to give you that all-important energy boost - it also helps new moms combat post-natal depression. Discuss with us at Ilk or your doctor to get more specific supplement advice!
Engage Your Body
A quick walk can reduce fatigue if your doctor deems it safe to begin modest exercise. Exercise can also improve your attitude and energy level. A short stroll in the open air with the stroller might be relaxing.
The idea is to begin slowly and only move your body. You can eventually create a more involved fitness regimen.It’s important to keep in mind that your body is still healing during those initial months, so it's best to approach things slowly.
Don’t Skimp on Breakfast
Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day, even though saying it is a bit cliché. You get a rush of energy at breakfast that will keep you going throughout the day. But your diet also has an impact - you're likely to feel lethargic if you eat out of convenience rather than thinking about your nutrition.
Along with some protein, try Greek yogurt (which contains more protein than normal yogurt), spread peanut butter on bread, or prepare porridge with protein-rich milk and add almonds or walnuts if cooking an egg right now sounds too complicated.
Catch Up on Your Favorite TV Shows
Nursing on demand can keep you on the sofa for a while, so distract yourself by tuning in to your favorite podcast or starting that series your friends keep raving about. You don't have to look into your baby's eyes all the time. You'll feel a bit less like a "mombie" if you engage in an activity you enjoyed before becoming a parent. However, avoid watching crime shows - you don’t need anything else to keep you awake at night!
Get Some Sunlight
It's easy to become caged up in the first few weeks after giving birth. Getting some sunshine, even by reclining near a bedroom window or taking a little stroll, can aid in increasing your energy and raising your vitamin D levels.
With these top tips, you will soon see your energy levels restored. But if your fatigue persists after implementing these tips consistently, we advise you to get in touch with your healthcare provider.
Consistent tiredness and inability to get enough sleep are signs of postpartum depression. If required, your doctor can recommend that you receive an assessment from a qualified mental health counselor. Postpartum depression symptoms can become more severe if they are ignored.

By Sabrine Elkhodr
Sabrine Elkhodr is an Australian pharmacist based in the USA. She has a Master's degree in postnatal depression and is passionate about helping moms feel their best.

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